

The match was nearing its climax. Giants vs. Ghosts, just minutes to go, it remained scoreless as the two teams pressed. Intensity and strategy tangled on the field like their ankles, smacking and kicking, the skittering ball leaving fallen players in its wake, fouls uncalled.  

Some yards away, to the left of the pitch, the hill fell sharply downwards. Steep enough, it seems, that five-year-old Kelly, the Giants’ goalie, was mastering rolling over and over with abandon until he became too dizzy to stand.

Barbara Boyle, after a long and colorful career creating advertising around the world, now resides in a 300-year-old stone farmhouse in Northern Italy. She’s surrounded by hazelnut orchards, vineyards and barking deer. Her first book, PINCH – Waking up in Italy, is about to be published by She Writes Press.

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