

naysayer fissure
in sand stone, temporary
blue iris at dawn

Born and raised in Charleston, South Carolina, Charles Theilman moved to Chicago, became educated at red-bricked universities and on city streets and has enjoyed working as a truck driver, city bus driver and enthused bookstore clerk. His work as Poet, Artiste and Shareholder in an independent bookstore’s collective continues! His poems have appeared in literary journals such as: The Pedestal, Poetry365, The Criterion (India), Poetry Salzburg (Austria), The Oyez Review, Muse, Battered Suitcase, Poetry Kanto (Japan), Open Road, Pastiche (England), Tiger’s Eye and Rusty Nail. His chapbook, Into the Owl-Dreamed Night is available through Uttered Chaos Press at www.uttered chaos.org. He now lives in California.